Care Factor Program - Chatting with Clive

I recently had a chat to Clive Lloyd who wanted to share some information about the program they developed and released around Organisational cultural development.
Here is what he had to say...
Clive, the program has a catchy name, but if someone asked you what you love about the program, what would it be?
I love that much of the post-program feedback we get is not even about work - its about how people have taken the psychological tools home with them and used them with their partners and children. I recently had an email from the wife of a participant who asked “what did you do to my husband!?” - He was now reading stories to his kids every night and generally being much more proactive as a parent and partner - we also get people who call/email us about wanting to follow up on mental health challenges that (prior to the program) they had not previously spoken about - hence we have a network of professionals we refer them to. Of course, I also love the positive gains our clients see in terms of the increasing psychological safety in their companies - the gains go far beyond injury rates.
I love that! We know the boundary between work life and home life is getting smaller and smaller and therefore the stress we have at home or at work can mesh between both. Great feedback!
What’s your biggest #safetysuccess with clients so far? We have many examples in Australia and overseas, however, if I was forced to choose one, it would be a Chinese company doing prefab work for a global oil and gas Client. They had some safety challenges, and were far less mature in their safety processes and culture than Australian companies (for example, speaking up, intervening or reporting was seen as culturally inappropriate). We customised a Care Factor Program, and worked with translators to deliver the tailored program across leadership and crews. This was followed by coaching for leaders to embed the new skills, and the formation (among the crews) of a “Champions” group. Safety performance (as measured by standard indicators) was greatly improved, and the overall company culture was transformed. While this is commonplace within our Australian clients, to get such dramatic results with the associated cross-cultural challenges, translated programs (etc) was really special (note: A conference paper on this program is available to the interested reader if they get in touch with me).
What makes you love you job? I love psychology, and the potential it has to affect positive change in individuals, families and organisations. I feel privileged to have a job that is almost entirely based on making a positive difference in people’s lives.
Clive - THANK YOU! I love your passion and enthusiam and know our readers will too. I have added some information about the program below for anyone interested.
Grow Your Safety Thinking: An introduction to the Care Factor Program
GYST Consulting's “Care Factor” Program is a research-based Organisational Culture Development tool, applying best-practice positive psychology to assist companies in creating and sustaining psychological safety, well-being and mentally healthy workplaces.
Consistent findings from such research demonstrate that key attributes such as trust, engagement, resilience, positive challenge and Authentic Leadership are strongly associated with excellence in safety cultures.
At GYST Consulting, our expertise is in building these very attributes within our clients’ people and culture. GYST consultants are all Safety Psychologists and/or HSE professionals with many years of industry experience, particularly in the mining, oil & gas, utilities and construction sectors, and are exceptional facilitators and coaches.
The Company’s acclaimed Care Factor Program specifically targets our clients’ safety-related results through assisting leaders and their teams to understand the limitations of the human brain, and how these limitations can compromise safety performance (e.g., complacency, risk awareness, tendencies towards shortcuts etc.). The evidence-based program then trains the workforce in terms of applying practical solutions to these universal challenges. Moreover, the program shows leaders how to create a culture where safe choices can thrive.
Drawing from the research into the charactersitics of High Reliability Organisations (HROs) that have far fewer than their fair share of safety incidents (e.g., aviation & the nuclear industries) we train leaders to embed these very attributes (e.g., “chronic unease” & “collective mindfulness”) in their organisations and teams. The result is a highly conscious, strongly risk-aware workforce that takes responsibility for their safety (and the safety of their teammates).
For more information, you can get in touch with Clive here
Clive Lloyd - Director & Principal Consultant GYST Consulting Pty Ltd | Mobile:
0447114040 PO Box 1229 Nerang Qld 4211 |