Promoted beyond capability

I recently had a chat with a member about my concerns on what we see day to day...below is just a quick reflection.
Our work is clearly not yet done.
On a recent site inspection it was noted by one of our members that many breaches were occurring which are really not acceptable in this climate of litigation and awareness of safety in the workplace.
Whilst an employee may be happy to accept a promotion, and become a manager, many look simply to the increased wage and not to the fact that they are now liable under WHS law as the Site Manager. Lack of training is evident and this needs to be addressed by both the Management who promote persons into liable positions and the Manager themselves. I wonder, if in full cognizance of the reality of the situation, whether the new Manager would be so happy with their recent promotion?
In spite of the wealth of materials available and expertise, some businesses are still behaving like dinosaurs, with blocked entrances, lacking signage and out of date essential First Aid. Whilst none of this is not rocket science, it does speak to the prevailing culture, something we have been trying to address for many a long year!
The alarming thing about this is not so much the lack of respect for colleagues in ignoring the simple safety basics, but the lack of awareness of the personal culpability which entails.
We know it is easy to ignore some of the higher level legal aspects, but when it reaches down to these basic levels, it is clear there is much yet to be achieved.
How do we get through to small businesses in particular the need to train people in firstly understanding their own position, and secondly taking up the mantle to look after their colleagues in a manner which befits their service??
We would love to hear your thoughts?